Deng Cai is a PhD student at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, advised by Prof. Wai Lam. His research interests include semantic parsing, machine translation, dialogue systems, and text generation. In particular, his research is concerned with improving the interpretability and generalization of deep learning models with symbolic semantics and reasoning, and external and explicit memory. He has published research papers at prestigious conferences and journals, such as ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, and AAAI. His work won an Outstanding Paper Award at ACL (2021). He delivered tutorials on retrieval-augmented text generation at IJCAI (2022) and SIGIR (2022). He serves on the program committee of leading NLP/AI conferences including ACL, EMNLP (outstanding reviewer in 2020), COLING (area chair in 2022), NeurIPS, ICML, etc. He had internships at Amazon AWS AI, Microsoft Research, Tencent AI Lab, and Alibaba DAMO Academy. Website: